Endorsed 2024 Candidates

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Contact: Log Cabin Republicans of Greater Boston

Log Cabin Republicans of Greater Boston Endorsed 2024 Candidates

Log Cabin Republicans of Greater Boston are loyal Republicans who stand in solidarity with Republican candidates for elected office who pledge to support equality under the law for all freedom-loving people, a free and fair market, individual liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, defending our U.S. Constitution and a strong national defense. Our chapter of Log Cabin Republicans proudly endorses candidates who best exemplify the message of a commonsense Big Tent GOP in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and who are pro-freedom. We humbly encourage all Massachusetts voters to join us in support of our endorsed 2024 candidates for Massachusetts! 

State Senate Incumbents/Candidates


Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr        State Senator Patrick O'Connor                 State Senator Peter Durant                         


State Senator Ryan Fattman               Taunton City Councilor Kelly Dooner             Christopher Lauzon


State Rep. Matt Muratore                        Nicholas Pirro III                                     Dashe Videira


Governor's Council


Peabody Councilor Anne Manning-Martin      Judge Francis T. Crimmins Jr.                      Fitchburg Councilor Andrew Couture


State House Incumbents/Candidates


State Rep. Alyson Sullivan-Almeida           State Rep. Marcus Vaughn                        State Rep. Hannah Kane


State Rep. Mike Soter                      State Rep. Steve Xiarhos                                  State Rep. Kim Ferguson


State Rep. Kelly Pease                              State Rep. Paul Frost                               Ken Sweezey - 6th Plymouth



Sandra Wright - 8th Plymouth                  Jerry O'Connell - 1st Barnstable                 Susanne Conley - 2nd Barnstable



Charles Bailey - 10th Norfolk                   Michael Chaisson - 1st Bristol                     Justin Thurber - 5th Bristol


Christopher Thrasher - 8th Bristol            Mark Tashjian - 2nd Essex                         Jesse Brown - 1st Plymouth

Eric Meschino - 12th Plymouth


County Government Incumbents/Candidates


Plymouth County Commissioner Jared Valanzola                     Jonathan Ring - Register of Deeds, Southern District of Essex County


Massachusetts needs a two-party system now more than ever. Please make sure to volunteer and donate to our candidates to help them fix Massachusetts!