

Log Cabin Republicans of Greater Boston are excited to announce that our Chapter Kickoff event is officially a go! Join fellow OUTspoken Patriots from all over Massachusetts on Tuesday, January 18, 2022. RSVP is required. 

January 18, 2022 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Greater Boston Chapter Kickoff - Location upon RSVP
Weymouth , MA 02188
United States
Google map and directions
Alex Hagerty ·

Will you come?

$50.00 Become a Greater Boston Member
Right to vote as chapter member, Regular newsletter and updates on the latest LGBT Conservative local news, Opportunities to meet local candidates and political leaders, Priority invitation to local Log Cabin Events, Silver Log Cabin lapel pin, Right to vote on chapter business (board members, bylaws, endorsements, etc.)
$25.00 General Admission
Supportive OUTspoken Patriot